Technology has become a hot topic in the classroom and a
very big focus in education. During my coursework for Instructional Technology
I have really begun to think about how there is a lot of talk about the What
and How of technology, but very few are talking about the Why. Simon Sinek has
a video about starting with you why. I am wondering if teachers and schools took
more time to think about why maybe we would be better off.
Teachers of ESL students need to think about why our
students would benefit from technology. Our students need opportunities to explore
the language in meaningful experiences. They need to have opportunities to be
engaged in the language with vocabulary supports and opportunities for
connectivity. When learners are learning and exploring naturally with tools
that they can manipulate they will be more inclined to take risks. Technology
is a tool for learning not a destination. Now that we have our why let’s think
about how we might do this and what we might need… thoughts?

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