The end to a great year!
Where did this school year go?
I still can't quite believe that this school year is over and I have already begun to think about next year.
This year was a rather difficult year to finish. As the final days approached we all knew that saying goodbye to a dear friend was near. Mrs. Lockhart was retiring after 33 years of teaching. She is one of those people who has a great impact on so many peoples lives. Not just her students, but the staff as well. I have only spent two years with her, but in those two years she has grown to be my school mom and a very dear friend. We celebrated her last days with lots of fun. Then it was time for the goodbye. There were plenty of tears on my behalf, and I know we will all miss seeing her smiling face in the building each day. The good news is she is off to relax and spend time with her family.
Mrs. Lockhart we love you and will miss you!
I also said goodbye to my beautiful senior cheerleaders! I am so sad to see them go, but I know they are ready to make their mark on the world!
New Beginnings
This year I have become an Aunt thanks to my older sister!
Little Miss Reagan or "June Bug" as I like to call her
was born in March. Being apart of her birth was a beautiful
and life changing moment!
She is the sweetest!
Reagan's First Baseball Game!
Happy Girl!
As some of you may have seen from my Instagram my husband and I have purchased our first home. It is a brick home, built in the year 1900. We have been working hard! My husband is so talented and has done some wonderful renovations.
We asked our wedding photographer to come over and
take a few pictures of us on the front porch with the new house.
Those should be back very soon! I cannot wait to show you!
I was so worried about this blue color,
but it is really growing on me!
The porch is probably my favorite place to be :)
I have been very busy planting!!
My AMAZING husband built this stone fire place
all by himself! He is so talented! (I will post before and after photos soon!)
Summer Days!
I do not know about you, but I have already been bit by the "next year" bug!
I have some things to re-cover so I got new fabric!
I am loving this fun paisley pattern!
Our building is rolling out classroom iPads this year and I
am so excited! I purchased 25 headphones and 25 stylus pens
for the students to use next year. I got a big response on my
Instagram and wanted to share the information with you.
The headphones are from PartyPalooza
and the pens are form Walmart
Click the links to take you to the items :)
Lastly - my new planner is here and ready for filling :) the new school year will be here before we know it! I just hope I am sunkissed and more relaxed!
I hope you all have a wonderful summer! I am really going to try to be better about posting this year!

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