Miss Proctor's First Grade Class LOVES Books!
I wanted the students to vote and decide which books were their absolute favorite books from this school year. They were allowed to nominate any book that we read in class. Then we had a vote! Here are our top 10!
My ALL TIME favorite! Pete & Pickles - a great story about friendship!
For the Love of Autumn - Who does not love Patricia?? They also loved Junkyard Wonders!!!!
They all clapped after we read this story!
No, David! We love David Shannon! He makes us giggle!
Thump, Quack, Moo!
We did a fun visualizing activity with this book!
This was a great book to use during our Earth Day (2 week long celebration)
I was so SURPRISED this was a favorite. It is the most basic story about spring, but we went outside and laid in the grass as I read to them. They loved visualizing and getting into the "spring feeling."
This is one of my other ABSOLUTE favorites! We read this around Halloween when we did our unit on Spiders. It is a creepy and very cool look at how spiders trick their prey. We also make our own stories and use black paper and white crayons to do similar illustrations.
We all know I love the Interrupting Chicken! You can get our activity for this book FREE on my TPT
Way Side School!
I remember reading these when I was a kid. We loved them, could not get enough!
My class begs me to read them everyday.
Next year I am going to try to do more with characters in this story.
Here is our Book Rating Sheet we are going to be using next week as we re-read our top 10 favorite books of first grade!!
The students fill in the stars based on their opinion,
Then they will write about why they did or did not like the story!

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