
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

We need your help!

Hey Friends,

My happiness in life revolves around my ability to be creative. Teaching and everything that surrounds that gives me an energy and happiness about life. I try to surround myself with people who have the same passion for teaching because it motivates me, inspires me, and pushes me forward. Recently a blogger friend reached out to me and asked me if I was willing to join her and some other bloggers on a collaborative blog.

After talking it through with my husband, I knew it was a journey worth taking. I decided to join this group with 19 other co-bloggers! Now, we are really excited and ready to share with all of you but we cannot decide on a name! It is so hard to choose one name that describes all that we are trying to do.

We want to give teachers a blog that they can turn to for inspiration, instructional support, and just lots of imagination! So here is where we need you....

Now all you have to do is comment on this blog post with a name that you think would be perfect for our collaborative blog! If your name is picked you will win a free product from each blogger!!

Thank you for your support!


  1. Educational Specialists

  2. How about Educational Inspiration or Educational Imagineers or Eduinterest (like a play off of Pinterest). :o)


  3. Can't wait to begin this new blogging experience with everyone!!

    Mr. First Grade

  4. My 1st thought was "Creative teachers imagination station" then I thought I needed to try to figure out something catchy and easy to remember so I thought "Teachers for K.I.D.S.- Kreative Imagination Destination Station" or something along those lines. Good Luck!

  5. "Let Your Imagination Run Wild!"

  6. Maybe "The Teacher's Lounge", "Creative Collaborations" or "One Stop Shop for Teachers". Ok, this is pretty much all I can think of at this point. So excited-- good luck!!

  7. Or "Let the Teacher's Imagination Run Wild!"
