
Friday, October 11, 2013


Happy Friday!

I hope your Friday went a little smoother than mine did! I made my way through a down poor of rain and into our building. Upon entering the building I thought, "what is that weird smell?" As I walked down the hall I could not wait to get in my room so I could get away from the smell......

I opened my door and this is what I found....

This great big pumpkin exploded all over the counter and down onto the floor. I wish I could insert a scratch and sniff sticker right here, but then again I do not think you would want to smell it! 

I wanted my class to learn more about pumpkins... Little did I know we would be learning more than we ever wanted to know!

On another note...

The sweet ladies at Table Talk with C and C have a great Giveaway going on right now! Head on over to their blog to enter in their Fall & Halloween Giveaway!

You will have a chance to win my Storybook Character Day Pack along with many other amazing Halloween & Fall activities.

Hope you have a great weekend! I just hope I can get that smell out of my nose! :)

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