
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Taco Tuesday

Hola Friends,

I was ironing this morning and thinking about how Daily 5 can become redundant in my classroom for both myself and the children. We all get into our routine and guided groups can lose excitement. When it loses excitement, I am in turn losing student engagement. Which also dealing with more behavior problems.

So here I am ironing my clothes for work thinking about engagement and my brain drifts off to my days at SouthWest Aquatics and how the McGinty family would always invite me over for Taco Tuesdays.

(I know what you're thinking... this girl is nuts!)

Now I have more thoughts then I can manage. I unplug the iron and try to figure out how I can spice up my daily 5 with tacos??? Then it hit me. I could have a taco tuesday in my class every other Tuesday. Not with real tacos of course but with fun literacy and math games that the kids can play. I am thinking I am going to make a big deal about it and maybe even bring in some tortilla chips for snack! It would be a one day quick change of games and add that excitement back into our routine.


To add some extra excitement to the blog I thought I would give away 4 free copies of this Taco Tuesday Pack to the first 4 people that both follow my page and comment on this post. Please be sure to leave your email on your comment! The document is not finished yet, but I will send you what I have so far and new copies as I update it.

I hope you have a Terrific Taco Thursday :)


  1. Sounds fun! All of your stuff has been adorable! Can't wait to see this. Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Yay! Nicole I will send it to you tonight and I am going to add a whole math section. I will email you with the updated one when it is all finished :)

    2. Autumn, You are such an inspiration to me! Your enthusiasm and energy is contagious! I will continue to follow your blog for inspiration to create products to use in my classroom when I graduate next year from PSU! :)

    3. Missy, you just made my day!! That was so kind of you! Do you want to send me your email and I will send you the Taco Tuesday product for Free?

    4. Sure it's Thanks :)
