
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Summer Love

I am in LOVE this summer!

1. I am in LOVE with Chevron!!! How about you? Look at this "bench" that my hubby made me for my classroom! It is not quite done yet, but this is it so far.

This is what it looked like before I covered it in foam and material!

 My new chevron crate seats! Again my wonderful husband made me these :)

I worked so hard setting everything up that I needed a little break on my new bench!

2. I am LOVING making my classroom inviting for my babies! I cannot wait to meet them!

Books are in the bins! Woohoo!

More books :)

My desks! Trying to decide if I like the table numbers handing from the ceiling... what do you think?

Another view of the table numbers

3. I LOVE making clip art! My hubby may even start to help me! He is very creative and a much better drawer than I am! 

My NEW Flashy Chevron Paper Pack - Just $1.00 in my TPT Store
Click the picture below to make it yours!

 I am still working on the one below! I am excited it has like a fade/ombre look to it :)

4. I am LOVING my new Meet the Teacher pack! It goes with my End of the Year Red Carpet Premier! I will start and end the year in Hollywood Style! 

Student Goodie Bags
(Thanks to Miss Kindergarten)

Student Scavenger Hunt

5. I am LOVING my teammates! 

My very AWESOME friend Tara approached me about this idea of making curtains out of table clothes. (You must understand that Tara can make a joke but look completely serious and you have no clue...So that is what I thought was going on!) Then she tells me she wants to staple them!!! I start laughing because I seriously thought she was pulling my leg. But once I saw the supplies I knew she was serious. 2 Packs of tablecloths, 4 dowel rods, command hooks, a stapler, and 4 puffy balls later... Waalaa! They were done! I could not believe how great they turned out!! Here are some pictures! 

This is before Tara's puffy balls made it up! I will post another picture next week.

6. I am LOVING Walmart and there back to school selection this year! 

Tara & Beth seem to think I have a problem.... I have NO PROBLEM with chevron! ;)

7. I am in LOVE with my husband and I am LOVING being his wife! 

Saturday night dinner on the grill and then a walk to get ice cream! 
(Just 3 weeks ago today we were saying I DO)

Have you ever eaten a fresh waffle cone & ice cream??
OMG it was a little warm and soft and ohhhhh soooo gooood! 

8. I am LOVING the wedding photos we have seen so far! Our photographer was AMAZING! If you live in Pennsylvania and are getting married or just want photos taken (especially if you have children) you need to check out her website!!

Click on any of the pictures below to take you to her site! 

9. I am LOVING all of my followers! You make me love blogging even more! Please know that if you ever need anything that I am MORE than happy to help! Just send me an email at! Thank you for supporting me on Pinterest and Instagram also!!



  1. Love the curtain idea! and the chevron reading spot is to die for.
    My Second Sense

    1. Tania,

      Thank you for stopping by! The curtain idea seemed crazy at first, but it was so affordable and they look great! I think it only took 10 minutes total to get them done and up!

      I love my chevron reading spot also! My husband got a big hug when it was all done! I could not believe how well it turned out. It seemed cute in my head but he made it even better!



  2. What a sweet post! Your classroom is so cute and so are you and your husband! All around adorable! Those crate chairs are on my "want to make" list!

    Lindsey :)
    Mrs. Johnson's Little Prowlers

    1. Hey Lindsey!!

      Thank you so much! You are ti sweet! The crates are awesome! I saw on instagram if you go to home depot or Lowes and but the wood that they will cut it for you right there for no charge! Then I got the big roll of foam from Hobby Lobby along with the fabric! Oh and depending how you want to do it you may want to get a heavy duty stapler to staple the foam and fabric down.

      Good luck! :)


  3. Oh, my word! I just love everything in this post! The reading corner is fab! I just made some crate seats this week, and I got those chevron notebooks too! Hope you have a great year! Found ya through Read with me... I'm a fellow PA blogger too-central as well, but couldn't make it to the meet up. I didn't want to subject everyone to my little creatures that I call my kids... ;) hubs isn't a teacher, so he's gotta work...

    Rulin' the Roost (sorry-on myipad and I don't have my code to click on it....)

    1. Angie,

      Thank you! I swear all the time that are teacher brains are all linked up! (It may be pinterest) But I like to think it some magical power we all have :)

      I will go to your blog now! Oh well I hope maybe the winter one will work out for you!

      Thanks for stopping by!!


  4. Your new benches and crates are super cute! I also really like how you have the three drawer storage units at each table...I might have to steal that one! :-)

    The Craft of Teaching

    1. Hey Nichole,

      Steal away! I found it on pinterest and then just made the labels myself. I am getting excited to use them! Just 2 weeks before the kiddos are back for us!



  5. Your room is looking amazing!!! I think the numbers over the tables look very cute! I am obsessed with all things chevron too (for my home, for my clothes, for my classroom)!

    Oh and your wedding photos are beautiful!

    Aylin :)
    Learning to the Core

    1. Aylin,

      Thank you!! I am glad you like the numbers! I could not decide what to do!

      Thanks for stopping by! Headed to your blog now :)



  6. First, I love the hanging table numbers. I'm using lanterns turned into bees for mine, but I love that they are hanging so the kids can easily find where they are going and it doesn't take up any table or floor space. Second, last night I was wondering if I could use plastic tablecloths for kidding! Then I find your post today!! They are adorable and I'm using this idea! Thank you.

  7. I just found your blog on Pinterest and I love it! I am doing a chevron theme this year in my class too and I feel like I'm just as obsessed!! I love all your ideas and can't wait to use some of them! I've added some of my chevron stuff on my blog...stop by if you want! I am new to the blogging world.

  8. Hi there! Your classroom looks wonderful! I was wondering how you cut your journals in half. I have tried having it cut at 2 different Home Depots, but they both said the saws they use will rip up the paper.

  9. Great post! I love the way your room is organized, especially the 3 drawer units at each table group. I couldn't make out what the labels say. Can you tell me what you put?


  10. Love the drawer units. Can you elaborate what your students put in them and what the labels say. Thank you.

  11. are your curtains plastic table cloths or fabric?

  12. Love the foam cushion. Do you remember where you got the foam and the size of it? TIA!
