
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Busy Little Lady!

Hey there!

Davey came home from work yesterday and asked to see what I was working on! (He is so sweet) So I showed him and he said, "you are a busy little lady!" I had not realized it until he said it but he was right!! I have been very busy working to make this year even better than last year.

So here is just a sneak peak to the things I have been working on! My Instagram friends have already seen these, if you do not follow me on Instagram be sure to check it out! (I do lots of free giveaways via Instagram!)

Here is my new digital paper pack! Just $1 on my TPT store!

There are 33 colors to chose from!

PA Blogger Meet Up! 
First Grade Teacher Lady & Two Friends In First!

I had a great time last week getting to know the other bloggers! 
It was nice to know someone is obsessed with teaching and good sales as much as I am!

Andrew and his wife Cori were so much fun to get to know! 
They are such a fun and sweet teacher couple!!
Check out Andrew's page at Mr. First Grade

I already know and love my teammates at Two Friends in First!
Check out Jess & Kheila's blog!

Wendy from Read With Me ABC was a doll! 
I loved getting to know her and hear her expertise on reading! 
Her gifts for us were so dear! The bag itself was cute! I did not want to unwrap it!

Jen from That First Grade Blog was super fun also! It is such a small world. 
She used to teach at a school right down the road from where I teach now! 
She just changed her blog layout and it is TOO cute! Check it out!

Nick and his wife Killer B! Loved them! Nick made the cutest little gift bags with his blog button and a cute pink calculator and a sweet treat! I feel like he had me figured out before we ever met! lol
Check him out at Sweet Rhyme- Pure Reason

I cannot wait to meet with them again in the winter! It was so much fun! 
I am almost glad we do not all work together because I am positive 
I would have no money and my face would hurt non stop from smiling! 

We are going to be doing a blog hop in just 2 days!! Be on the lookout for it!

Chevon Crazy and Room Ready!

I created a kit for myself to have everything I have ever seen on Pinterest and ideas I came up with and included them in one document where everything matched or had a similar theme. I do not know about you, but I am CHEVRON CRAZY! Davey says, "you do realize that it is nothing but a zig zag!" Maybe he is right... but either way I love me some zig zag/chevron! :)

Here is my Back 2 School Survival Kit and a bunch of fun pictures to show you how its helping me get my room ready! 

Numbers for my clock! I am praying this will help them when telling time :)

 Place Value just got that much cuter! ;)

 Student number clips - I use them for lunch count but one of 
my teacher friends used them for behavior as well!

Here is my "almost ready" carpet area

I am so happy to finally have this done and up! I wanted an alphabet that would 
correspond with all of the other alphabets in my classroom.. like my word wall, student word wall books, homework helper, and centers! I LOVE Ashley Hughes Alphabet Clip art! 

Here are my word wall headers! 
Cannot wait to get them up and post my new idea for my word wall!

 My welcome sign is still in the works but the lunch choices are done and up! 
Loving the way they turned out!


This weekend I was a little busy creating even more items for my classroom!
Below is my 1-10 Number Posters I created for my room. They are for sale in my TPT store. You can view them by clicking on the picture below!

 Here is another new TPT item I created for myself and wanted to share for FREE! :)
It all started with Pinterest Inspiration!

And this is the final document! 
I will post pictures once they are all put together!
(The picture below looks a little simple)

Whew! I hope you enjoyed this lengthy blog post!


  1. Wow, Autumn, you have been busy! I love all of the chevron back-to-school items you made. AdOrAbLe! Your room looks ready to go!

    Read With Me ABC

  2. I am dying for your world wall letters, lunch choices and student and clock numbers but don't see them in you TPT shop. Care to share or sell them?? Pretty please with sugar on top!! ;)
