
Monday, January 26, 2015

Snow Day Sale and Valentine's Day Goodies

Hey friends,

I am at home today thanks to mother nature! We are supposed to get an additional 4-6 inches tonight, so we will see if I will be home creating away tomorrow also ;)

First things First! I am throwing a SNOW DAY SALE!

My entire store is 20% off, make sure you stock up on goodies for topics like Penguins, Daily 5, and even the END of the school year! ;)

**Click on the pictures below to take you to my TPT store!

Next, this is a reminder about the cute Robot Clip Art I have free in my store! Please leave feedback!

I do not know about you... but I CAN'T stand spending money on valentines! I created these so you can print them easily and attach a small dollar spot item to them. I was thinking maybe an eraser and pencil. I hope they make your Valentine's Day a little easier this year! 

Have a great day!!